Psychological Training in Assessment and Treatment of Persons with Serious Mental Illness


The Specialty Council Research and Practice Committee has compiled a non-exhaustive list of research-related readings in Serious Mental Illness (SMI), which covers fourteen major topical areas (Readings). A summary of the major areas and subheadings of items that comprise the document are displayed below.

Those new to the SMI field may find it practicable to review in advance the Recovery to Practice Initiative found on the Training Materials page (American Psychological Association & Jansen, M. A. (2014). Recovery to Practice Initiative Curriculum: Reframing Psychology for the Emerging Health Care Environment. Washington DC: American Psychological Association).

I. History and Systems in Recovery-based Psychological Practice for SMI

II. Understanding SMI: Illness Characteristics and Course over Time

III. Understanding the Impact of SMI

IV. Partnership and Engagement

V. Assessment and Measurement

VI. Interventions I: Early Interventions/First Episode and Family Interventions

VII. Interventions II: Empirically Supported Psychological and Social Treatments / Interventions

VIII. Interventions III: Promising or Emerging Practices and Supporting Services

IX. Special Topics/Populations

X. Roles for Psychologists in SMI

XI. Diversity and Multicultural Issues

XII. Ethics and Advocacy

XIII. Psychopharmacology for Practitioners

XIV. Impact of Covid-19